Consistent Poverty Rates

What is Consistent Poverty?

The term consistent poverty describes someone whose income is below the relative/at risk of poverty threshold and who cannot afford at least two of the eleven deprivation indicators.

The relative or at-risk of poverty threshold represents an income of less than 60% of the national median (middle) annual income. The the 60% at risk of poverty threshold in 2022 was €15,754. (or €301.91 per week)

The 11 deprivation indicators are:

  1. Two pairs of strong shoes
  2. A warm waterproof overcoat
  3. Buy new not second hand clothes
  4. Eat meat, chicken, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day
  5. Have a roast joint or its equivalent once a week
  6. Had to go without heating during the last year through lack of money
  7. Keep the home adequately warm
  8. Buy presents for family or friends at least once a year
  9. Replace any worn out furniture
  10. Have family or friends for a drink or meal once a month
  11. Have a morning, afternoon or evening out in the last fortnight for entertainment.

The current poverty reduction target of the Irish Government adopted in the Roadmap for Social Inclusion 2020-2025 is by 2025 'To reduce the national consistent poverty rate to 2% or less of the population', which repeats the commitment in the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion for 2019. There is also a second commitment 'To make Ireland one of the most socially inclusive States in the EU'.

Consistent Poverty in Ireland
  • The percentage of Irish people living in consistent poverty in 2022 was 5.3%, up from 4% in 2021.
  • Those most at risk of consistent poverty in 2022 were those individuals who were unemployed (18%), those unable to work due to long standing health problems (35.2%) and individuals living in households where there was no person at work (19.7%). The rate for lone parent households was 14.1%. There was a significant increase to 8.1% for single adults over 65 years of age, and 14.5% for single adults under 65 years. You were also at much higher risk of poverty if living in accommodation which you were renting at below the market value or rent free, which includes those in social housing (12.9%), compared to those in owner occupied accommodation (2.2%). 
  • Children remain one of the most vulnerable age group with 7.5% living in consistent poverty in 2022.

The CSO Survey of income and Living Conditions, which reports on poverty levels does not cover some groups such as ethnic minorities, including Travellers or people with disabilities as a specific group.

Find the full report on Central Statistics Office website: